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Frequently asked questions

These are the most common inquiries to the Seattle Post-Intelligencer. If you don't find the answer you need here, check out the Submit News section.

I didn't get my paper today.

Where's the news?

Can I search your archives?

Can you help me find an article?

I need to place a classified.

Can we reprint something?

I want to send a letter to the editor?

I want to submit an op-ed piece?

Can I write an article?

What's your mailing address?

What's your street address?

I want to buy a book, etc.

I want to get an early Sunday paper.

I want Newspapers in Education info.

Can I get back issues?

Can I get a paper route?

Your box ate my money.

How do I give to the P-I Readers Care Fund?

I didn't receive my paper this morning; whom should I call?

Unfortunately, the Seattle Post-Intelligencer ended newspaper deliveries in 2009. As a third party (not related to the Seattle P-I or Hearst Corporation), we cannot do anything about this.

Where's the news?

We'll be adding more content over the next few months, including arts and entertainment listings and news coverage. Please tell us what you would like to see.

Can I search the Post-Intelligencer's archives online?

Our news and features archives are not online at this time. Our Getaways section, however, does contain selected travel and outdoors stories going back several months.

The Seattle P-I Archives, a subscriber-only, dial-in research service, offers the full text of the P-I dating back to 1986. To learn more about its services -- including free trial offers -- check out http://www.seattlepi.newsbank.com.

I'm trying to track down an article. Can you help me?

If you know the name of the reporter who wrote it, you can reach them by calling (206) 448-8000. Many of our reporters can also be reached by e-mail. Check our online e-mail directory.

I need to put in a classified ad.

You need go to the Seattle Times classifieds page. To go there, click here.

Our organization would like to reprint an article/photo/cartoon from the P-I.

You need to submit your request in writing to our publisher, J.D. Alexander. It must include all pertinent information (organization, article headline, where it will run, etc.) and may be sent by regular mail, fax or e-mail.

Is there a limit on the length of letters to the editor? Where should I send them?

We prefer to have letters limited to 300 words, but they can be longer if you wish. You can send them to editpage@seattle-pi.com.

Is there a limit on the length of op-ed submissions? Please limit them to 800 words. For more information, contact Editorial Page Editor Charles Dunsire; his phone number is (206) 448-8387.

Do you have a column where readers can write articles?

We have the "Soapbox" column which runs on Saturdays. The editor for that column is Tom Shapley, phone (206) 448-8325.

What is your mailing address?

See street address below.
What is your street address?

701 5th Ave.
48th Floor
Seattle, WA 98104

I want to purchase one of your books or other products.

See the online ordering information in Marketplace, or call Katherine White in our public affairs department at (206) 448-8066.

Where can I pick up an early edition of the Sunday paper.

Our "bulldog" edition comes off the press Friday evening. Please contact our printing plant in Bothell, Wash., at (206) 489-7000 for schedule and availability.

I'm a teacher and want to have newspapers sent to my school for my classes.

Please call Ruth Easley at (206) 464-2143, or send her e-mail. She is the newspapers in education manager.

I'm trying to find a back issue of the paper.

Back issues are available for the last three months in the circulation department at the Seattle Times Building at Fairview and John in Seattle. For more information, call (206) 464-2198.

The Post-Intelligencer contracts with the Seattle Newspaper Agency, which is run by The Seattle Times Co., to provide subscription and delivery services.

I want to get a paper route. Whom should I call?

Unfortunately, paper routes ended in 2009 when newspapers stopped being delivered. If you would like a Seattle Times route, click here.

I put some money in one of your newspaper boxes and didn't receive a paper or get my money back. Whom should I call?

As a third party (not affiliated with the Seattle P-I or Hearst Corp.), we cannot help with this. Also, since the Seattle P-I stopped printing & delivering newspapers in 2009, thus, this issue cannot be solved.

How do I give to the P-I Readers Care Fund?

You can send contributions to: P-I Readers Care Fund, P.O. Box 1909, Seattle, WA 98111. If you wish to charge a donation to your Visa or MasterCard, call (206) 448-8060. Contributions are tax-deductible. You may keep your donation anonymous.

This year's contributions will benefit the Northwest Harvest food bank, the Forgotten Children's Fund, Seattle Emergency Housing Service, and Central Youth and Family Services.

Every dollar donated goes to the charity; the P-I pays all administrative and other costs.


Last updated,
November 18, 1996

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